Thursday, October 20, 2011

Vintage Ironing Board Set

I have a new set for you. It includes : a vintage ironing board table, a wooden box with apples, a small table top picture and a bucket of signs.


  1. Gorgeous as always Betsy, thankyou. I remember Mum having an ironing board very similar, but she would use massive safety pins and pin the cloth underneath the board. Love and big hugs judith.

  2. Amazing as always... can't wait to see it in my new house.. thanks for all your hard work.. and hope your feeling better.. hugs Mimi

  3. Hi! Betsy,
    I am really Nonni at I am starting a campaign to recover any of your files.
    Your work is so close to my soul, I am ashamed that I have not told you this before.
    Thank you for starting over. I have had to do that many times. I hope you can re-build and will be inspired to create new wonders for us simmers to enjoy. Hugs from Nonni
